Nothing but Bliss with my HUNK

Nothing but Bliss with my HUNK
Meet the love of my life + 8 children 3 grandkids

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

So YES... 
It has been along time... 
Wow mY flat tire took way to long to repair... 
Of course mE, made the best of it, but still... REALLY...
With so much time on mY hands sitting mE started a new business...
Printing it piggy backs to the Hunks and has been taking all of mY time... (check in out on face book Dollar Signs)

The Economy is taking it's toll on the world of fun with BLING... Although with Love Designs things are affordable...
mE have made up mY mind up... Yes, Woman wE must BLING...
 Let's face it there is nothing like it!!!
When someone comments on your SPARKLE!!! 

SO AS I WORK NOW WITH TWO JOBS... I'm still workin on the web-store...  Yes it will bE worth it!!!
mE attended the Wedding Wire Network along with OC Brides... Enjoy the pictures cause mE enjoyed the time... Working hard to bring you ALL nothing but the Best...

I will be holding a Christmas Shopping Spree... 

 In the mean time...
 Enjoy your day cause Living in the moment is the way ONLY way to go...

Until wE write again...

Mucho Amore...