Nothing but Bliss with my HUNK

Nothing but Bliss with my HUNK
Meet the love of my life + 8 children 3 grandkids

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's mE


Yes I'm still here... On earth that is... Busy Busy Busy... mE miss writing in mY blog feeling free and sharing life with all of you'ins...

Gosh... mE have got to do some up dating on mY pics and product...

The Pink Beast... (scooter) is having a make over... wE have gone a lot of miles... Not to much with LOVEDESIGNS but out of control with DOLLARSIGNS mY printing company.

YES...YES...YES... mE been putting the sparkle on paper...

Thank you all for stopping by... mE will get back on the Pretty Pink Machine Scooter soon...

HUGS and Sparkle to ALL...